Monday, January 6, 2025

Virtual Chapter Meeting
Thursday, January 23, 2025
6:00 pm - 7:15 pm EST

Topic: Lipreading and Common Misconceptions

Our presenter Chelle Wyatt is one of the owners of Hearing Loss Live! an online resource that focuses on the communication needs of the Hard of Hearing (HoH). She has a progressive hearing loss which started at 14 years old with hidden hearing loss. The last big drop in hearing put her in the severe range. Hearing aids helped but were not enough. Thanks to the Salt Lake City HLAA Chapter, the SayWhatClub and the state of Utah's services for the Hard of Hearing, she regained her confidence, the ability to socialize and re-entered the workforce. Being successful with hearing loss is much more than hearing devices. Learning lipreading strategies taught her how to manage her communication needs. That’s the passion she now shares with others as she teaches lipreading classes.


Possibly joining Chelle for this presentation is the co-owner of Hearing Loss, LIVE! Julia Stepp.

Julia Stepp provides CART (Communication Access Realtime Translation) services to consumers with hearing loss and other processing disorders for over 20 years now. Working closely with the hearing loss community allowed her to understand her role as a hearing partner to family members with a hearing loss, as well as how to best perform equal access to communication through her work as a CART provider. She realized she's been a lifelong family member to someone in her family who used lipreading for communication so she understands the process. She too teaches lipreading classes, encouraging students to be proactive for their communication needs.

Hearing Loss LIVE! is both sides of the communication equation. It takes two to make communication successful. Let's talk about some of the most common misconceptions in regard to lipreading and how a few simple strategies can improve your communication.

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For those that are interested in learning more about cochlear implants here is a link to a replay of a Zoom webinar entitled Treat Your Hearing Loss: Advancements in hearing health technology:

Click on the above link Meetings and Socials for a schedule of upcoming events.