
More Accessible Captions are On the Way!

New Accessibility Features Announced by Apple, Google and Microsoft

What People with Hearing Loss can Learn from Professional Musicians.

AI and Hearing Loss: How AI Is Helping Those With Hearing Loss

How to Make Your Hearing Loss Less Invisible

Treating Hearing Loss Could Help Protect Your Brain from Alzheimer's and Other Forms of Dementia

Barbara Kelley's Appointment to National Institutes of Health (NIH) Council of Counsils

Traveling with Ease: Accessibility Tips from InnoCaption

Why Hearing Health Is More Important Than You Might Think

Understanding and Managing the Top 12 Tinnitus Triggers

Hearing Aids a 'Powerful' Tool for Reducing Dementia Risk

HLAA Advocates for Expanded Accommodations Online and in the Air

New Hearing Aids? FAQ's for (nearly) all you need to know

Flying with Hearing Loss Can Be Challenging

Optimizing Hearing Aids for Music: A Practical Guide

Hearing Tests: Your Guide to Preparation and Expectatons

What are hearing loops and hearing aid telecoils?

Johns Hopkins Discovers New Path to Treating Age-Related Hearing Loss

What is Sensorinueral Hearing Loss?

Google Maps Now Includes Hearing Loops

How the FDA's New Rule Expands Access to Hearing Aids

FDA Finalizes Historic Rule Enabling Access to Over-The-Counter Hearing Aids

The Connection Between Heart Health and Hearing Health

Why are captions suddenly everywhere? How did they get here?

Hearing Aids, T-Coils and Hearing Loops in 2022

Where to Buy Clear Face Masks with Windows for Lip Reading

FCC Shares Resources About Accessible Televised Emergency Information

House Passes Bill for Medicare Coverage of Hearing Aids

Historic Formation of International Cochlear Implant Alliance

DOJ Rules for Movie Theater Captioning and Audio Description Take Effect

Sound Reasoning - Five reasons you should wear hearing aids to work

Top five myths about hearing loss

7 Misconceptions About People With Hearing Loss

Study Shows That Hearing Aids Improve Brain Function